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Who is your boyfriend?

Assalamualaikum. Hai korang!

Pencintaan Tan Hong Ming

Her name is Umi Qazrina. I like her. 
Why you like her?
She wears earings. She'll tie ponytail. She's pretty.
Do you wish you can say to her?
Do you wanna come for a date...to a romantic dinner? 
Does she know you like her? 
No..I keep it as secret. 
I don't want the whole world to know. 
Why Not? 
Because everybody will laugh at me. 
Why should they laugh at you?
Ermm she doesn't like me..

My name is Umi Qazrina. 
Who is your best friend? 
Tan Hong Ming. 
Do you like him?... *shy*
Do you have a boyfriend? ... *nodded*
Who is your boyfriend
Tan Hong Ming. " 

Haha. Ingat lagi tak mereka berdua yang sangat comel ni. Itu enam tahun dulu. Sekarang? Tengok gambar kat bawah ni. Comel gilaaaa kaannn. Look what puberty did to them! 

Minda kanak-kanak ni takde tapisan. Kalau suka, cakap suka. Haha. Minda dewasa je yang complicated sangat. Otak dah banyak fikir. hew hew hew


Kalau baik hati, tolong LIKE page FB Scha Nazri's. Macihh semuaa!

P/s: Entry auto-publish. Nak balik kampung kutip cempedak!
Source: Facebook Roti Kaya

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  1. hahaha iklan raya yang paling best !!! (http://anies-msletoes.blogspot.com/) Makin hensem Tan Hong Men ^^

  2. minda orang dewasa ni yang banyak tapisan. kang tak bertapis, cakap ikut sedap mulut kena banned plak kan. :) hehe

  3. bila tengok ni kat facebook, saya trus tag kawan. sebab dia pun bercinta dengan lelaki cina juga XP

  4. wah.. mereka dah besar... hencem nye tan hong ming

  5. so cute...dah besar rupanya
    akak x der boyfriend tapi girlfriend ramai heee

  6. setiap kali tgok video ni mesti senyum2...comel angat22.... :D

  7. comel awek tu bila besar..hehhe

  8. Dulu saya suka tengok iklan ni kat tv. Comeelll...

  9. suke tgk iklan tuh..hahaaa

  10. Hahahaha mmg comei... dah besar dah sekarang! Still comei... hehehhe


Semoga Scha dapat BABY dengan secepat mungkin. Amin :)