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Erkk. lamp chop?

hye semua sahabat ku. sihat? dah lame tak berblog. hari nie, duduk umah sahaja. tapi, tengahari tadi kawan saya Iqa datang. nak tengok super junior. and you know what, saya dah terfalling in love dengan super junior. ini sebab lagu BONAMANA lah. best giler lagu tu. macam sorry, sorry. feels like want to dance. ooyehh. haha. nak tunjuk video clip, tapi, xde pulak. sori yerr.

then, after parents balik, mama kata, 'adik, malam nie kita makan luar'. dalam hati saya sangat suka. dapat keluar setelah memeruk seharian dalam rumah. tu pon mkn kat area umah jeh. then, saya pon order lah Lamb Chop n air strawBERRY blended satu. mak and ayah order tomyam, telur dadar and kailan ikan masin plus puyuh goreng. tunggu punye tunggu, sampailah juga even mak and ayah dah abes makan da. lambat. engatkan berasap2 keh pinggan dye, tapi, xde maknanya. mama n ayah da pndng semcam da. saya lagilah. terus termati selera saya. bukan tak sedap, tapi, liat nak mampus. naik lenguh tangan memotong lamb chop uh. nasib2 jeh tak terpelanting pegi mane2. lau tak, mane nak letak muka yang comel nie? hehe. at last makan jelah dengan penuh kesabarn memotong satu persatu. seb bek air sodap. cuma, manis sket. campur air kosong pon still manis lagi. ishh, dahlah xbaik merungut. dosa yer. papepon alhamdullilah dapat makan lamb chop. hehe. lain kali nak order nasi paprik. xde nak tukar2. stick oke syaz?

sedappp. but, liatttt.
my faveret oke? dah name pon syazberry kan? hahaha

psst; i got this msg from fb. fikir sendiri lah yer. wee~

ASSALAMUALAIKUM. Tomorrow is a very challenging day for Muslim around the world. Because tomorrow on the INTERNET a few non-Muslim
will organizing a horrible event-Draw MUHAMMAD S.W.T,day. So! as Muslim we have to boycott this event. So tonight at "12am", just log off from all social sites such as: Orkut, Facebook, Twitter, Hi5 and many more. By Doing this these people will face a heavy financial loss INSYAALLAH. It's time to show our LOVE and RESPECT for our NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. Please forward this text to as MANY people as you can do at least this much for our Prophet S.A.W. Visit the CNN website if you don't believe this. This is one step beside PRAYING to our ALLAH S.W.T. Wallahua'lam

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