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Hlovate- 5 tahun 5 bulan

5 tahun 5 bulan karya hlovate.


Cerita ni mmg besh glerr. Sangat interesting n informatif for a gurl like me. n the author mesti ade basic medic sbb the character, Johanna is a medical student.

Johanna pernah bekerja sebagai orang gaji kat rumah encik Lafty. Ade 4 org anak. Along,apeh,nina n nana. Along is the hero. hahaha. Gelagat merekaa sgtlah kelakar n bley uat aku gelak sorang2 dlm bilek. nasib baek dlm bilek. hahaha.
well, then johanna dpt fly g aberdeen amek medical courses kat sane for 5 years. Kat sane she learn about life n Allah. n stu ayat uh mmg menusuk kalbuku.

Al-Quran is the love letters from ALLAH

emm, if u want to know the ending of the story, u better buy n read it yourself! its cheap. RM20.00 only. or www.hlovate.blogsdrive.com

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