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road to genting n a chance to meet nubhan! aaa!

syazana, begin to write....

salam. bru jeh balek dr genting khamis lalu. n dr kampung semalam.
rabu lepas, aku n geng kelas F1P8 g genting after final exam lepas.
konon mahu releasekan tension. hahaha
its really work. kami g ke sane dgn bas genting, perjalanan agak melemaskan sbb condition of the road yg mcm ular.
arrive there around 1 pm. n straight cr tmpat mkn. so, end up at kfc.
then, pe lagi start ar to enjoy.
first time aku men roller coaster or corkscrew,
rse mcm nak mati.
suare aku mcm nak pecah. totally the highest frequency!
dua kali aku naek, dua kali aku menjerit bagai nak glerr! kwan2 aku kat dpan bknnye menjerit, tp, gelak sbb klaka tgok aku jerit. pe pnye kwan. hahaha
n then da best part, naek space shot. bygkan naek tinggi smpi xnmpak ape2 kat bwah sbb berkabus n u nver know ble dye akan hempaskan kte kat ke bawah laju2. n of course u will feel like flying n bdn kiter akan terapung. aku xtawu nak ckp pe mse dye bwk turun uh. da nak terkeluar anak tekak aku nyh. tp, tetap BEST!
at night, kami men bowling n catch a movie at 1 am. SURROGATES. abes kul 3 am.
we all xtdo dat night. just lepak2 kat theme park, amek angin malam yg sejuk. its feel like overseas. the next morning, we jalan2 try to find souvenir yg mrah2. hehehe
so, kul 12pm, kami start to leave genting. bye bye genting. c u in another time.

another story.
smalam aku balek kh sbb ade pertabalan tuanku negeri sembilan. its very unik coz da 42 years dis event xdianjurkan. sbb our late tuanku jaafar da memerintah selame 42 years. its very rare n i couldnt miss it. weee~
malam ade konsert menjunjung kasih. i dont who's the artist. n i only know when i saw the banner. ade nubhan, jamal abdillah, hijjaz n more.
som dgn kamera di tangan, aku mulelah operasi menyelit2 tuk dpat snap pic kat dpn.tp, xdpat.
sp, aku g ar kat back stage. n ade this one group 4 people duk kat tali 'dont crossing line'. ade sorang nyh sgt peramah n aku bley plak berborak. tup tup, kumpulan hijjaz. terkejut akuh.

pernah dgar penyanyi ikhwal x?. he's superb. dat night, dye nnyi lagu tamil. n dr pe yg abg hijjaz tuh ckp, dye bley nynyi lagu spain,mandarin n so on. his voice also not bad! n i got to snape his picture! wee~

im waiting for nubhan to sing, but xmuncul2 smpilah tuaknu balek. so,aku mals nk tngu, aku mlelah tuk jln balek. hancur atikuh. n mse tgah berdiri, aku nmpak this one guy walked in front of me. mcm nubhan. so, aku jerit perlahan called his name. dye perasan, senyum n blah. myb dye nak cepat. aku ape ag, g kejar ar dye smpai backstage. i asked, 'nubhan, bley amek gmba x?. he said 'ouh, bley.pe salahnye.' hehehe. cant believe aku amek gmba ngn dye. aaaaaa! sweeet sggttt~~ dah lahh tinggi cam galah. n so sporting! aku akan menyesal gle2 lau aku xamek pic dgn dye. thank god! and , i cant sleep at that night!

istana seri menanti

jamal abdillah


me with nubhan!


spider ride

some of f1P8

genting highland


thats all.

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