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Journey of Love with Enchanteur!

Assalamualaikum. Hai semuaaa!

January dah nak habis dah kan? Februari pulak dah kian muncul. Omputih kata, bulan February ni month of LOVE. Betul kee? Haha. Tak kisahlah bulan cintaa ke, bulan itu bulan kita ke, yang penting love spark kena selalu ada. Takkanlah setahun sekali je nak berkasih-sayang kan? Kenalah hari-hari lah. Baru lah relationship tu boleh maintain. Hahha.

Tahu kan Enchanteur Paris? Haaaa, dorang ada anjurkan contest Journey of Love. With whom? Your love laaahhh. Sesuai sangat untuk pasangan dah lama bercinta dan nak kahwin or pasangan yang dah lama kahwin. Memang contest ni ditujukan khas untuk korang.

Journey of Love with Enchanteur

Let's begin!

1) Pertama sekali, pergi ke sini --> Journey of Love

But wait, woohhh. The prizess! *drooling*

2) Upload ENAM photo bersama dengan kesayangan anda. Ehem ehem. Better with high resolution. Best sikit nak tengok. Haha

3) Then, tulis ceritera cinta korang bersama Enchanteur. Tak kisahlah nak tulis semasa bercinta dolu-dolu ke, ataupun lagi best apa yang Enchanteur beri dalam love-life korang. Ececehh. 

4) Pilih background kesukaan korang. Korang select je dulu, kalau suka boleh teruskan. Kalau tak suka, just hit BACK and pilih yang lain. Haaa gitu. 

5) Taraaaa. Settle. Korang boleh preview video korang sebelum submit. Kalau nak ubah, just tekan BACK. Kalau suka, just tekan SUBMIT!

6) Dan SHARE lah seantero dunia. Kahkahkah. Mana tahu ada rezeki korang dapat GoPro seketui. Rezeki kan? Tak boleh jangka! ^^

Link Scha : Kalau suka, boleh lah LIKE! Hehe --> Scha and Muhayat

ENCHANTEUR – Journey of Love

At some point in life each of us experience romance or is touched by love; a great human force that can be felt in the heart. Sharing your romantic journey as well as experiences through writing or with photos is gratifying and deepens the value while allowing an archive of love stories as memoirs.    

This festive season, ENCHANTEUR, a brand synonymous with inspiring romance through its collection of French inspired fine fragrances and body care products launches the “Journey of Love” contest that allows you to take a trip down memory lane, to reminisce the sweet memories shared between you and your loved one. An opportunity to express your gratitude and appreciation of your loved one! 

Sharing your “Journey of Love” with ENCHANTEUR also provide you the opportunity to win attractive prizes!  Tell us your love story in a 6 photos video and stand a chance to win the Grand Prize, a GoPro Hero 4 Action Camera or consolation prizes of ENCHANTEUR products! There are also weekly mystery gifts for the most voted entry! The contest period is from 12th December 2014 till 1st February 2015. For more information or to enter the contest, log on to https://www.facebook.com/EnchanteurMY/app_1567239670173713 

ENCHANTEUR accompany its fans/consumers on their romantic journeys unfolding their natural magic. ENCHANTEUR recommends starting off a memorable first love with the ENCHANTEUR Paris range of captivating fruity floral fragrances. Thereafter, continuing the search of true love with the ENCHANTEUR range of floral fragrances which encourages memorable romance. Lastly, ENCHANTEUR spices up romance with the ENCHANTEUR Love collection which seals the passion, keeps the relationship alive and encourages an everlasting romance.

Apa lagi. Meh lah try join contest ni. Alaa, suka suki jee. Kalau ada rezeki, ada lah kan? Hehe. Simple sangat steps nak join. Woot woot!

Eh, by the way, Thanks Enchanteur and the PR! Love it. Bekalan lotion, pewangi selama berbulan-bulan. Makin wangi lah lepas nii. Hik. Engkorang pun mana tahu dapat consolation prizes macam ni? Siapa tak nakk? Hhaa

Pssst: Maaf lama tak jenguk! Wuwuwu. Kerja penat gilaa. Nak hadap lappy pun malas. Kalau cuti pulak, nak zzzz jee. Entah apa-apa perangai. Thanks taw selalu jengah. Muah ciked!

Follow and let me know!

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  1. Mieza pakai Enchanteur jugak, perfume Belle Amour. semua kawan2 and si dia pun suka, diorg kata the scent is my signature. memang kena dengan Mieza, hehe!

  2. Tak pandai speaking... maka lupakan niat untuk join :( sobsss sobsss sobssss (nangis atas bumbung).

  3. menarik contest ni..tapi xda org tersyg plak..

  4. hadiah go pro tuuuuu... nak join tapi malu lah... xjadi join hahaha

  5. Wah dpt stok berbulan2 bestnya :)

  6. menariknya. nak join. tp kesayangan? hehe :D

  7. Wah wah wah. Good luck kak Scha :)

  8. aaaaaa kan best kalau qila hv my own love.

  9. ewah..ewah..kalau menang ni wangi jelah sentiasa.oh, ni lah Muhayat si pooojaan hati.

  10. Xde kesayangan pun nak amek gambar.

  11. sis JM x leh join sbb x da org kesayangan huhuh

  12. hui hui hadiah dia besnya! scha!!! byknye dpt hadiah! stock berbulan2 tu! aummmm

  13. CT penah try lotion sahaja yang lelain tak pernah rasanya. or pernah try pakai kawan nye bedak im not sure tak ingat.. amboi bekalan tu memang oooohaem la Scha ooi..

  14. Bestnya! Sempat lg tak nak join? Hehe..


Semoga Scha dapat BABY dengan secepat mungkin. Amin :)