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#BeautyReviewbyScha - Halloween Bag of Love eh, Lice!

Assalamualaikum. Haii. Akhirnya! Aku berjaya dapatkan Halloween Bag of Love Lice by Bag of Love and The Butterfly Project!

Bag of Love (BOL) ni dah ada dalam simpanan courier for almost one week! Arghh. Tu yang tak sabar sangat nak balik rumah dan ambil sendiri! >.<

So, let's begin shall we?

Curious what's inside? Me too!

Taraaaaa! Eksaited sangat nii!

Perghh. Siap bagi voucher spa treatment! Omo!

A welcome note from Bag Of Love! So cute! >.<

Okay. Mari kita review one by one okay!

SP Shampoo, 250 ml, RM72
How to use it? Just massage evenly into your damp hair and rinse it thoroughly.

SP Mask, 200 ml, RM109
How to use it? Distribute evenly through clean, towel-dried hair. Leave it for 5 minutes and rinse your hair. Macam pakai hair conditioner.


The smells are good. Both of it. My hair feels fresh after applying it. And also I feel that my hair is smoother than before because I have some hair issues. -___-

Collistar Biorevitalizing Anti-cellulite Concentrate, 200 ml, RM185

How to use? Apply to your problem area and massage upwards. 


Basically, ini macam nak kurangkan selulit or lemak. Cuma sapu je tempat yang banyak selulit contoh, di celah peha dan betis. Ketiak pun sama. Pastikan urut ke atas bagi kesan yang bagus. Selulit boleh dihalang dengan balance diet and exercise regularly. 

Splassh Mini Glow in the Dark Nail Polish, Full Sized, RM3.90

How to use it? Paint three layers after base coat then .. Turn off the lights! Its glow in the dark!


Tak boleh nak try sekarang sebab bukan dalam bulan yang sepatutnya. Hope it really glows in the dark! :P

Definite Smudger Brush, Full Sized, RM69

It's perfect for applying liner and shadow, smudging pencil eyeliners and also highlight the inner corner of the eyes!

Aku memang teringin nak ada brush ni. Sebab brush ni sesuai digunakan untuk smokey eyes effect. And untuk blend eyeshadow dan bagi illusi bayangan. Haaa, nampak macam ada definisi sikit kat bahagian mata.

This is my favorite product above all!

Nanowhite Infinity Color Correction (CC) Cream SPF50/PA+++, Full Sixed, RM49.90

How to use it? Dab a small amount on face and neck in a gentle patting motion.


Bagi aku, CC cream adalah yang terbaik berbanding BB cream. BB cream macam ala2 foundation and ada colour yang tersendiri. Tapi, CC cream ni macam foundation tapi yang uniknya, dia akan ikut skin tone kita. So, bila amek gambor yang berflash, muka kita takdelah macam bertompok-tompok. Plus, CC cream ada banyak skincare. Means that, di samping melindungi masalah kulit kita, dia menjaga kulit kita. Dan ada SPF 50 yang lindungi kulit kita daripada pancaran matahari.. Now, you can skip the foundation in your makeup routine!

See. Dia akan ikut skin tone kita. So, no worries. CC cream ini pun takde minyak and ringan. Boleh dibawa ke mana-mana dalam handbag kita. And it smells good! Yeayy!

Other info about Nano White Infinity Color Correction (CC) Cream SPF50/PA+++

- Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
- Moisturizes & brightens
- Minimizes pores
- Smoothens & soften skin

Memang aku akan stuck ke CC cream ni lah jadinya! 

If korang berminat nak dapatkan Bag of Love setiap bulan, korang boleh subscribe sebulan (RM39.30), 3 bulan (RM119.70) dan setahun dengan harga RM478.80! Ikut mana yang sesuai dengan kemampuan korang okay! :)

Thanks for this opportunity Butterfly Project and also Bag of Love! I really love it!

Well then, it's the end of my reviews. Insya-Allah for the next post, I'm gonna write about #Toys4Kidz okay!

See you when you read my next post!

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  1. Agak2 spa yg ko dpt voucher tu dia punya staff perempuan lawa tak? Kalau lawa, boleh la aku gi jugak..wakaka

  2. waaa byk nye ...menarik la pewarne kuku tu

  3. wow!! best giler scha!! pasal BB and CC tu menarik.. selalu guna BB, after this ni nk try CC pulak :) thenx scha

  4. affordable dan macam best je. tapi pemalas nak try..ehehe.

  5. Amboih ! Lawa blog kak Scha sekarang ! Lol bukan dalam bulan yg sepatutnya ? Jadi bulan apa yg sepatutnya tu kak ? XD *soklan mintak kaki

  6. pasni akk nk try order bag of love dan wonderbox perhaps.. :)

  7. Bestnyaaaaaaaaa.
    Tapi tu lah, tak cukup duit lagi nak borong macam ni. Hehehehe :3

  8. wahhhh tersangat best dlm 1 bag ada mcm2. hehe.

    guna jgn xguna. picit sampai habis :)


Semoga Scha dapat BABY dengan secepat mungkin. Amin :)