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here we go again!

wow, dah lme xentry post. sgtttt. and now its a payback time. since i got a new lappy n broadband, bleylah update selalu yerr. weee~~~

first of all, dah seminggu meningglkan matrix. rase sedey n rindu kat kkwn esp rummates. mish u beb! n i really thank god sbb mse exam xde byk sgt masalah yg berlaku. just do my best n i hope the results will be okay. hoping. The last day there, i cant stop crying seeing my gurls pegi. dahlah antara org yg terakhir balik. sedey n lapar too. study week n exam week we were struggle gile2 n ade sometimes we just all got crazy. ade stu mse uh, kami(me n siti) susun satu wing pnyer selipar senyap2 n bile ade yg kluar dr bilik, sume muka terkejut tgok selipar elang. thats was a precious moments seeing their faces. n we took pictures cos satu wing da join. memories!

And to classmates, even kiter dah cam berpuak2 before exam, but at last we got back together. Its really hurt if kwn yg always with us, ttbe mcm dah melupakan kiter. but, losing u, the others is with me. so, they help me to cover up. thanx dayang norliyana, siti fatimah, nur aishah rasyid, sukry,farid,evel,aishah ganu, siti zalihah, nor liyana n othersss. love you like hell!

Since dah ade baby bru (lappy), xbley nk bergerak dr sini. hahaha. got stuck. cuti nyh adelah g hang-out with friends. karaoke, movies n even to KLCC. its great!

My aim this break, i want to lose weight. Tomorrow akan start jog kat lake garden n men bowling. mama sponsored. aku on shj. wee~ hope, i can manage to lose weight. amin.

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