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Hello everyone!

My life is becoming complicated lately. Plus, in this sem. Too much of works, assingnment, tests, quizzes n bla bla bla.

the assigments are;
dinamika= stress terhadap pelajar
agama=forum n hafazan surah2
english=writing project
chemistry=past year exams
physics=mostly tutor n notes
maths=tutor gak n studying notes

UPS da berlalu. n i hope i can do the best even i had a flu during exam. its really make me hard to answer the questions. i hope i wont fail. i dont want to repeat any more mistakes in sem one.
fingers cross.

Holiday for two weeks doesnt mean anything to me bcz in first week, i just stay at home watching tv. no mood to do my works. so, atiqa ajak g Time Square. so, aku jd nk ekut. but, lastly, its cancel cz her friend have someting to do. more sad. n we change plan to go to jusco. movieee. weee~

at first, nk tgok muviee jehh. but, aku ajak iqa karaoke. n shes fine with it. Just two of us. hahaha
karaoke smpai xengat dunia. pecah sore aku menjerit. hahaha. stress is half relieved! n then, after jeh abes karaoke, straight g tgok muvie. luckily, sempat. n i met my good friend there. Atiqa n her boy n her cousins. da lme xjmpe dye. rinduuu sgtt. hahaha. we all tgok The Spy Next Door. its hilarious! u should watch it!

The muvie ended at 3pm. we just hanging around n do some shopping. n aku terpandang sorang mamat nyh. its looks like the hottest guy in my tusyen. hahaha. tp, dye da jaoh dah. i'll try to search him n finally jmpe gak. aku beranikan dri tego dye cz i know lau aku xtego dye arinie, aku xkan jmpe dye lg. Dye tuh dahlah tinggi. 180cm. saket leher aku pndng dye. hahaha. We just chat skjap jeh sbb nk cpat. n dri dye, aku dpt thu, dmane kwn2 aku smbng study. ouh firdaus, ko uat aku n ecah nk gado sbb ko. hahaha. lawak jeh sbnrnya. N we exchange phone number. =)

okay2. mencari bahan dinamika nie mmg uat aku stress. xde bahan spt lappy. mom, when will i get my own lappy. xnak g cc n dgar org cine yg jge kdai nyh memekak bagai nk gile men game!! stresss woooo.

thats all.

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