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JPJ's test

helo!. ariny aku nk cter sal pengalaman aku amek test JPJ arituh.

pagi tuh,bgun dlm kul 6.45am n straight mndi n solat.then,turun bwah nk tolong my mum gosok baju.aty aku berdebar2 sket.
my parents just said 'uat btol2 taw!,tarik clutch tu kuat2'.i said 'yolah'.huhuh.
sementara tuh,aku amek nap skjap.dalam kul 9,aku bgn n get redy nk tungu cikgu dtg.but,kita makan dulu.aku makan ayam goreng dgn nasi sbb konpem kat sane aku xmakan.heheeh.waiting for my test.

around kul 11am,ckgu pn dtg. Ckgu kate nk dtg dlm kul 11 lebey,tp seb bek ak dh siap kai tudung.lau x,dorang kene tunggu aku bersiap ar.hehehe. dlm kete,ade sorang minah ny duk kat dpan. kat blkang,ader Atiq. Aku engat Atiq duk kat depan.xpewlah, boley gak berborak ngn dye. mse ondaway,kitaorg senyap jehh. bt,after dat mle ar cakap byk2. dye ny asik cakap berdebar2 lahh,takut ar n mcm2 ag. Aku ckap, 'ala,rilek ar. ko sti bley uat nyer.'.dye plak yg gabra dr akuh.heheeh.

dh smpi inmaju,isi borang n tnggu gilran tuk ditest.akuh tgok pehh, ramai sehh kat sne!. kul bape larr nk abes ny. Ckgu cakap aku n atiq nyer test ptg nnt. dlam kul 2ptg. Tp,lau sesi pagi abes cepat,sesi ptang ar pulak uat. Kat sane,aku jmpe Ejat, Lavania, Aina, n others. but, wait, aku jmep si armand. Airiza's bf. wow,dye dah len.hehehe. dye ngn geng2 dye. So, i took my phone n i call Airiza.

me: helo.
airiza: helo.
me: weyh, aku nmpak armand ko. dye amek test same ngn aku.
airiza: a'ahh. ariny dye test. dye ngn sape?
me: ntahh,ngn kkwan dye.
airiza: dye tgah uat pew?
me: dye tgah berdiri n pandang semua orang.hehehe
arirza. ouh, oke2. nmpak nalisa?
me: xpon.dye pn ade ekh?
airiza: yup2.xnmpak dye ker?
me: x, myb dye da lepas kot.oklah,gtg.bye.
airiza: bye.

then,aku n atiq g daftar dulu. n kene sain something. Aku g borang aku kat org JPJ tuh, n dye cakap number 93. aku angguk je ark. then,aku sain kat satu kertas nyh. its not hard to find my name. n akuh teros blahh.
after Atiq da sain borang tuh,dye ckap yg aku lupe tuk letak my number beside my signature.so,dgan baek aty nyer,dye tulis number aku sblah signature aku.hahaha.thanx Atiq!.you're my life saver!. =)

n then, we have to wait until they called our name. Aku kene uat bukit dulu, but, Atiq n Aina kene uat on the road dulu.so, terpisah ar kami.hahaha.but,still bley chat2. Aku kenalkan Aina ngn Atiq sbb Aina nk tahu sape Atiq.hehehe. So,its my turn now. Kinda nervous. Selawat byk2. Mase aku naek kete tuh, kesian nyerr aku tgok kete tuh. Sedey. Not in a good condition. Takowt akuh. N then,ble dh smapi atas bukit n dah angkat tgan, aku cube tuk angkat clutch n tekan minyak. Aku rse kete tuh da henjut, so, aku angkat ar hand-break n kete tuh terundur.so,kene uat balek. Second time pon xbley gak. Akhirnya, aku fail ujian mendaki bukit. Sedey n frust glerr. but,aku arap on the road aku xfail ar.huhuhu.

dgan sedeynyer,aku gtaw atiq yg aku fail. dye agak kecewa kot. hahaah. n aku nmpk si Armand. So,aku tegur ar.

me:hey,u armand an?
armand: yup2.
me: so,how's bukit?
armand: fail. kete tuh sengal ar. b**i,f**k that car!
me:yup2,kete tuh mmg sengal. Clutch dye mmg totally sengal. Dorang bg kete burok2. Saje jer dorang nyh!
armand: yup

n later,kawan armand ny dtg. Luckily,dye lulus. But,i tell you he is totally cute. Muke dye cam mamak2 skit, but, his eyes is great. Its brown. Kontra ngn warne kulit dye. Totally cute n tall too! Asik pndng jeh mate dye. heeheh. Seb bek dye xprasan. hahaha

Sambil tgah borak2 ngn Aina n Atiq, i heard my name. 'nurSyazana!'. i raised my hand. n tester tuh suh msuk dlam kete. Its gonna to rain. its dark. huwaa! After dh check2 sume,mulalah perjalanan kuh. but,before smpai roundbout dkat inmaju tuh,aku pndang ar sekilas kat lesen akuh. eh,nape gambe dye len?. tp,nme same. So,aku cakap ar ngn tester tuh.

me:eh,tu bkan gmba sy tuh.
tester: haa?,bkan ker?.
me:nme same gmbar len.
tester: larr,ykeh?.eh,patah balik. g kat tmpat td tuh.
me:alar.bley ar sy truskan.
tester:eh,xbley2.patah balek tmpat td. malulah kamu. hahaha
me: alamak,malunyerr. dah ar kene parking kat depan tuh. mesti dorang engat sy fail.
tester: haahaah
(apenyer tester ar.rupe aku pn xbley beze ker?).

bile kuar jer dri kete,aku ngn muke tebalnyer g panggil dak name nursyazana tuh. Menjerit akuh. lanx ko arh. Kan btol,sume anggap aku fail test tuh. Aftr aku da xplen,bru dorang pham n tergelak2 dorang. hahaha. lawak btol. Then,after menuggu setengah jam, its reaally my turn.
tester tu tegas gak ar. Asik kene marah jer. tp,seb bek aku pass test tuh. pat 16/20. cukup2 makan jehh. dye kate akuh ny slow sgt. dye ampir nk failkan akuh. tp,thank god aku pass.

after da abes test, aku g kat kantin sbb Atiq n Lavania ade kat sane. Kitaorg tgah tnggu cikgu. ade stu probs,aku nk booking tuk next test but ak xde wit nk bayar. mnx kat cikgu,cikgu xdew wit. aku kol ayah aku,suh dtg inmaju,tp,dye sussah skit nk dtg sbb dye keje n jaoh lak tuh. so,Atiq bg aku pinjam wit dye dulu. Dye g aku rm50. huisshh, seb bek dye ader. bley ar aku booking test jpj tu. tp,aku kene g hospital after da antar dye blek umah. nk mnx wit kat ayah aku. pastuh,aku pass kat cikgu n cikgu akan bank-in wit tu ke akaun dye. pastuh baru ar aku blek. dye xley ekut g hospital sbb dye kene jmput pakcik dye dr KLIA. bangga ar tuh sbb bley drive sendiri g KLIA. neway, thanx yerr Atiq! Kau lah kwan akuh yg sgt baek ati. Walaupun dye kaye,tp,dye xsombonk ngn aku n sume org. Ssah nk cri kwn cam dye nyh. heheeh

smpi disini coretan kuh. penat maw naip.


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