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7 Cups of Tea -- A Place to Let Go

Assalamualaikum. Hai semuaaa.

Haritu kawan ada share tentang satu website ni di mana kita boleh cerita masalah kita dengan someone yang tak dikenali secara online. Being anonymous is the key here.

No  judge, just tell our problems. Kau nak cerita pasal apa pun boleh. Serius.

It's called 7 Cups of Tea (7COT)
"7 Cups of Tea is an on-demand emotional health and well-being service. Our bridging technology anonymously & securely connects real people to real listeners in one-on-one chat.

Anyone who wants to talk about whatever is on their mind can quickly reach out to a trained, compassionate listener through our network. We have hundreds of listeners who come from all walks of life and have diverse experiences.

People connect with listeners on 7 Cups of Tea for all kinds of reasons, from big existential thoughts to small, day-to-day things that we all experience. Unlike talking to family or friends, a 7 Cups of Tea listener doesn’t judge or try to solve problems and say what to do. Our listeners just listen. They understand. They give you the space you need to help you clear your head."

Untuk 7COT ni, aku prefer jadi listener. Sebab aku takdelah banyak sangat masalah berat sangat pun. Kalau aku rasa berat sangat, maybe aku akan share dekat sini. Yelah kan, kekadang nak jugak bercakap dengan orang yang tak judge kita selain Allah SWT. Just santai-santai. Nak cerita apa-apa pun boleh.

Nak jadi listeners pun kena ada ujian. Tak boleh sesuka hati je boleh jadi listeners. Dia ada training and test. Kalau lepas test, boleh straight jadi listener. Aku pun suka jugak jadi pendengar. Bukan problem-solver. Listeners tak digalakkan bagi nasihat. Takut kalau bagi nasihat, benda tu tak jadi, akan effect orang itu. Betul lah tu kan?

Kalau korang ada berat sangat masalah, and ada deep secrets tapi segan nak cerita dekat kawan-kawan rapat, boleh lah meluahkan ke website ni. Harap boleh lepas sikit beban kat hati tu haaa. 

Follow and let me know!

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  1. dlm kalangab mmbr pon saya lebih sukabjd pendengar

  2. Wow! Tak sangka dekat internet pun ada service macam ni. Dekat Canada ni pun ada hotline macam ni juga. Tak tak pernah try lagi.

  3. wah sangat menarik nie kak scha. nak try jadi listener la. :D
    nice sharing. thanks ya :)

  4. sekarang ni macam macam yang dah ada yer..

  5. This is good! Kadang kala kita hanya perlukan someone utk luahkan perasaan. At least tak menjeruk rasa. Ringanlah sikit beban yg ditanggung.

  6. luahkan kat blog pon ok hehe

  7. Tempat lepas stress?
    Bagus juga..
    Dari ambik drugs entah hape2 yang mudarat kat badan.

  8. selalu luah dan kongsi dgn kawan ye rupanya dah ada servis camtu skrg


Semoga Scha dapat BABY dengan secepat mungkin. Amin :)