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#SchaBeauty -- Review of Maybelline 275 Crazy for Coffee Lipstick

Love coffee? So, this lipstick will suit you. 

275 -- Crazy for Coffee, Maybelline

Excuse for the smudge. I am such a clumsy girl. 

This lipstick was introduced by my mother as she complained about my red lipstick. Tak sesuai katanya. Zaman sekarang semua warna nak nampak semulajadi je. Natural. But, I prefer bold red. And, what do you think about that?

This lipstick is so damn good. And the smell is unbearable. Tastes like coffee though. It makes my lips appear sweet and cute at the same time or elegant maybe?

Wanna ask for all beauty lovers out there,

Do you go for bold red lips or natural color like Crazy for Coffee? 

Bold red or coffee lips?

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  1. utk girl yg da berumur sesuai warna merah..klau yg muda2 ni warna yg soft2 la..

  2. hana jeles. sebab tengok orang2 yang boleh pakai lipstick. hana tak boleh. sebab bibir mudah kering. jd bila mengelupas mmg dah tak cantik. hmm

    #thnx sis follow hana. hana follow sini ea. ? :)

  3. cantik warna lipstik tu :)

  4. hmm...i rasa u sesuai earth color
    macam momoy, warna yang soft pink atau orange saja. kalau warna lain nampak macam alien

  5. salam. wahh..warna berani ni hehe

  6. coffee lips of couse babeh.
    but nowadays dah jarang pakai produk2 ni. bibir lepas free neutral gitu.. ahakss..

  7. wah merah menyala.. kira berani sbb pakai gincu ni.. sweet apa


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